Hack Days

Hack Days

Unleash Creativity, Ignite Innovation

Your Ultimate Hack Days Organizer

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Upgrade your hack experience

Everything you need to organize your Hack Days

Fostering Innovation

Regularly organizing company Hack Days cultivates a culture of innovation within the organization.

Team Building and Collaboration

Hack Days provide a unique opportunity for employees from different departments and backgrounds to collaborate in a fun and informal setting.

Employee Engagement and Motivation

Hack Days can significantly boost employee morale and motivation. Offering a break from the routine tasks, they provide a chance for individuals to pursue their passions and take ownership of their projects.

Everything you need

Host your Hack Days with ease

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Host events.
Organizing events has never been simpler.
Create hacks.
Create hacks and connect them to events.
During Hack Days time flies, but do not fear, it is possible to create progress updates of your hacks.
Demo mode.
Enhance your demos with live reactions.
Unlock insights, see hacks making their way into production.
With workspaces there is no limit to the number of groups of people to Hack with.

Unleash Creativity, Ignite Innovation
Start using Hack Days today.